Monday, January 24, 2011

Fundraising for Cancer Research

This week is Cancertalk in some schools across the UK.  Cancer week makes children aware of the facts about cancer, dispels misconceptions and reduces unnecessary fears our children may have about it.

I think this is a great idea and think that all schools should adopt this every year. On a personal level, our children and community as a whole are still dealing with a recent teen cancer death, and I feel that information weeks such as this one is of a huge importance.

>>Iam fundraising for Cancer Research UK, please sponsor me!<<

This year my friend lost her only son to mouth cancer, he was 12 years old.
He was great friends with my son, and we have many funny memories we will continue to share for the rest of our lives.

He fought so hard to live yet the cancer was too much and when we all knew it was terminal and he had merely weeks to live, our local community worked hard at raising funds and awareness to help him live a few of his dreams before he passed.

January 2011 will always be the month and year that a lot of people's lives changed. From that day he passed I then decided I would continue to fundraise for cancer research and clicsargeant and help families/children suffering from severe hardships and terminal illness in as many ways as I can.

Rest in peace little man, sleep tight xxxx

1 comment:

Beaky said...

This brought a tear to my eye. I just think about my boys and what I would do. Makes me realise how lucky I am. Let me know if you are doing the run again.
B x